One of the coolest and most stressful projects I've ever jumped headfirst into. Boeing sponsored a senior capstone called AerosPACE, which tasked teams of 9-10 multidisciplinary engineers across multiple schools in the United States to design, build, and test an unmanned aerial system (UAS) to accomplish a mission of the team's choosing.

I had significant roles in CAD, FEA, and verification and validation strategy to ensure structural integrity of the UAS. Meanwhile, I learned a ton about selection of avionics and propulsion components, CNC and composites manufacturing, and a little bit of aerodynamics.

Full details are linked in our final report and final presentation.

Line Following Robot

The final project for my intermediate-level controls course at Purdue (ME 375) was to assemble a provided robot kit and design a closed-loop feedback system with a controller to navigate the robot down a L-shaped track autonomously without touching the walls. A line was provided down the middle of the track for tracking purposes. All robot code was developed using LabVIEW and executed via a myRIO microcontroller mounted on the robot.

While this was a fairly standard undergraduate controls project, this was the project that made me fall in love with control systems and feedback loops. I was responsible for the development of the robot's software within LabVIEW, as well as the implementation of a proportional integral (PI) controller for the robot's motor controls.

For academic integrity reasons, our final report for this project will only be available upon request.

Purdue Orbital

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Multi-university senior design capstone aimed at designing, building, and testing an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to detect sea turtle nests along Daytona Beach in Florida.


Line Following Robot

Control theory implementation within LabVIEW to operate a line-following robot running on a myRIO microcontroller.


Purdue Orbital

Purdue Orbital is a student-run design team aimed at utilizing a rocket balloon ("Rockoon") system to launch a CubeSat into Low Earth Orbit.